Miracles Of Jesus

Posted By admin | 2017-06-24 00:00:00 | Miracles Of Jesus |
The Following Is A List Of The Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ

  • Miracles Of Healing
    • The Two Blind Men
    • The Man with a withered hand
    • The centurion servant
    • The man born blind
    • An infirm woman
    • Cleansing the ten leapers
    • Blind man Bartimaeus in Jerusalem
    • Man with dropsy
    • Deaf mute in Decapolis
    • Simon Peter's mother In law
    • Paralytic at Carpernaum
    • Bleeding Woman
    • Blind and Mute man
    • Blind man of Bethsaida
    • Paralytic at Bethsaida
  • Demons
    • The Canaanite woman's daughter
    • The Gerasenes Demonic
    • A boy possessed by a demon
    • Exorcising a mute
  • Nature
    • Transfiguration
    • Calming the storm
    • Cursing the fig tree
  • Providence
    • Feeding the multitude
    • Coin in a fish's mouth
    • Draught of fish
    • Marriage at Cana
  • Over Death
    • Lazurus
    • Jairus Daughter
    • Young man from Nain


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